Our Concerns
Further development on Nod Road would be completely out of character on this scenic and rural road
Increased traffic on Nod Road, which is already a problem
Environmental impacts (inland wetlands, wildlife, the Farmington River)
Developing Blue Fox Run does not align with the current town Plan of Conservation and Development
Open space in Avon in shrinking; let's save what we can while we still can
What we've Done so Far
Formed a 501c3 non-profit corporation Nod Road Preservation, Inc. that meets and communicates regularly
Created recognizable marketing materials
Retained legal counsel
Notified and informed area neighbors that this development plan is in the works.
Written letters to the Town Manager, Town Planner and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission expressing concerns.
Researched town and government documentation, including maps, to better understand how the land in question is classified
Subscribed to mailing lists to be notified of upcoming town meetings
Started attending Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetland meetings